This beautiful home and garden has a casual, unpretentious elegance. Many of the elements for a great garden were already on site and were reused wherever possible. Strewn throughout the property were large granite blocks and odd stone columns that were relocated or rearranged. A new entrance, accessible from the street, was created. Concrete pillars and a low concrete wall incorporated grape stakes retrieved from other areas on site. A beautiful, but leaky, old fountain in the back courtyard became a planter and the centerpiece of the vegetable garden and dining area. Flagstone, used brick, and decomposed granite were the primary paving materials used for paths and patios. The planting palette consists of classic Mediterranean plants, such as olive, lavender, succulents, grasses and California natives like manzanita and flowering currant.
Design: Kathleen Shaeffer
Contractor: Jay Fettgather